All can come and load up on free compost from Rye Farm car park, Abingdon, OX14 3NN. This is the first compost give-away day in Vale of White Horse. Just rememeber to bring a shovel! Free Compost
Category: General
First World War commemorative events April 28th.
It is estimated that there are 100,000 war memorials throughout the UK taking many different forms, such as obelisks, crosses, rolls of honour, lychgates, community buildings and playing fields. Throughout the centenary we would like to ensure that they are a fitting tribute to those who gave their lives in the First World War and […]
Watchfield Annual Assembly, Tuesday 26th May 2015, Watchfield Village Hall 1930 hrs
Watchfield Parish Council would like to take this opportunity to invite you to its Annual Meeting. It will be an occasion where guest speakers can talk to the residents about progress and future plans for Watchfield. The format is generally low key with each contributor speaking for 5 to 10 minutes with a short […]
Innovation in Healthcare research
The BRC hosts a series of public lectures showcasing the research within our themes. All are welcome and there is no need to register. Open week programme:
A420 bypass repairs/state of road.
This is update I got from OCC, I enquired as a concerned local resident, on what is being done about state of A420 locally: “Thank you for your enquiry. The A420 is checked on a regular monthly rota and any safety defects are raised for repair. The defects marked in yellow/white are classed as 28 day […]
VWHDC boundary change review – proposal opposed
It was proposed to move Watchfield into an extended 3 seat Faringdon ward. This has been successfully opposed and will remain as Shrivenham/Watchfield ward. I haven’t had a chance to determine if this will address the under representation at VWHDC level but that may be a fight for another day after new housing boom has stopped. […]
Watchfield housing needs survey
Watchfield parish council (WPC) is organising a housing needs survey with the assistance of ORCC . The purpose is to identify those within the village, or with links to it, who may want to apply for some of the social housing which will be built in the new developments in Watchfield. If WPC can demonstrate […]