Memories of Watchfield

Please contribute any pictures or articles you have of Watchfield and events.

For a history of Watchfield please look at this link Watchfield Chronicle

Now called the High Street but used to be known as Shrivenham Road

Now called Chapel Hill but used to be known as Hill Road

Labelled the Chapel and Carter’s Cottage. This is taken from Oxford Square, looking up Chapel Hill. Note where 14 and 16 Chapel Hill are now there were allotments. Also from the Old Chapel downwards on the right hand side of Chapel Hill there are no houses.

View along Oak Road from Oxford Square. Not there are none of the in-fill houses present today. There were allotments where the bungalows are now.

The Church and School Watchfield

Labelled the Village, Watchfield. This is a view down Chapel Hill.

Oxford Square 1908

High Street 1909 – far left the Baker and Godfrey Grocer Shop which supplied coal, cornmeal and mormal requirements. Top right – Watchfield Post Office

The farm house and farm yard in Eagle Lane. Mr Harvey and his horse

Labelled Old Berks Hunt, Digging Out The Fox and Terrier at Little Coxwell. Mr Harvey

Mr Harvey, who had a farm house in Eagle Lane, ploughing.

Labelled Army manoeuvres. Lord Roberts with Lady Wantage near Watchfield.

Mr Curtis crowning the May Queen at the May Fayre (1980s)

Maypole dancing, May Fayre (1980s)

May Queen at the May Fayre on Watchfield Recreation Ground

May pole dancing, May Fayre (1980s)

School House

Eagle Lane

Farm House Eagle Lane today

2 Oak Road


“Fourth People’s” Free Festival Arnham Camp, 1975, Watchfield

Front Cover of the event newspaper