If you need extra help, Watchfield residents can use the Faringdon Foodank – details below. Faringdon Foodbank The Pump House 5 Market Place FaringdonSN7 7HL If you need support you can call: 07548 535855 (during Foodbank opening times) OR Email: sally@faringdontowncouncil.gov.uk Phone: Town Clerk 07711 424484 or Deputy Town Clerk 07809 458935 (outside of the […]
FREE mental health resources
Lots of FREE help out there if you are struggling with your mental well being through all of this. Free support groups Therapists from the Oxfordshire Therapy & Self Development Network are offering free online support groups to anyone in the Oxfordshire community! The online groups are for 90-minutes each week, running over 10 weeks. […]
Call for medical equipment no longer needed to be returned
Oxfordshire County Council and NRS Healthcare say:- if you have been loaned equipment that you no longer need, please hand it back. Much of this equipment could be recycled or reused. We need chairs, beds, wheeled commodes, mattresses, any electrical items, bed rails, walking & toilet frames, telecare items and slings. If you have other […]
Citizens Advice Campaigns
Citizens Advice campaigns hit the target in 2019 People often see Citizens Advice as a “quick fix” centre, rather like the garage that changes your car tyres – you pop into our office or ring Adviceline or you check the facts on our comprehensive website. But there’s more to Citizens Advice than quick fixes. “Research […]
Energy Saving Tips from Citizens Advice
Save money on energy bills! – Citizens Advice tips As mild December gives way to a colder, frostier new year, Citizens Advice Oxfordshire South and Vale is encouraging people to analyse their home energy spending and take steps to cut down on fuel wastage. The charity has these tips: Check your bills carefully and make […]
Victim Support services available to all
Have you been a victim of crime or abuse? Being a victim or a witness of a crime can be an emotional and difficult time. Victims First provides free emotional and practical support to all victims and witnesses of crime or abuse, as well as family members of victims. It is available across Berkshire, Buckinghamshire […]
Warm Home Discount
Dear All Please see the advice below from the Citizens Advice Bureau – this is different from the winter fuel allowance. Please do pass on to anyone you think may benefit and might not be on email or Nextdoor. Many thanks. Sue People who have difficulty paying their energy bills might be able to take […]
Citizens Advice – Hate Crimes
Citizens Advice offers haven for “hate crime” victims Victims and witnesses of hate crime in south Oxfordshire who are unwilling to talk directly to the police now have a place to go to report incidents. Since July 2018, Citizens Advice Oxfordshire South and Vale has become a “hate crime reporting centre”, providing a safe environment […]