Faringdon Road closure


Temporary Traffic Regulation Notice – S14 Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984

Temporary Road Closure and “No Waiting” Restriction – at Watchfield, Faringdon Road


A request has been received for a temporary road closure and “No Waiting” restriction to apply to a section of Faringdon Road whilst carriageway maintenance works are carried out.


A temporary Notice is being made by Oxfordshire County Council to implement the temporary closure and restriction and will operate from: 21 June 2016 (9:00 – 16:00hrs)


The “No Waiting” restriction means that vehicles will need to be removed from the highway where there are in place yellow “No Waiting” cones.


Please note that Notices for urgent works can last up to 5 consecutive days only.


Access will be maintained for emergency service vehicles and those residents within the closure area, subject to the progress of the works.


A copy of the drawing showing the extent of the closure and also the alternative routes for traffic is attached.


Please note that road closures are generally signed from junction to junction. This is to deter drivers from driving right up to the works site and then having to reverse or make tight turns.


Further information regarding the works may be obtained by contacting Vanessa Buckley of Oxfordshire County Council on 0845 310 1111.