The bridge is currently subject to a 3t weight restriction and a 2m width restriction due to structural damage discovered in 2014. These works will allow us to remove these restrictions and return the bridge’s capacity to full highway loading.
The bridge was originally constructed in 2002 and was the first glass fibre reinforced plastic highway bridge built in Europe. We believe that the proposed repair is the first of its kind anywhere. Whilst we believe that the proposed repair will be more than sufficient to return the bridge to full capacity, the design approach and novelty of the repair means there is a small risk of having to return to the bridge in the future to reinstate traffic restrictions.
Unfortunately, due to the nature of the proposed works, we are unable to keep to road open to vehicular traffic during repair. As such there will be a road closure and signed diversion route in place throughout the works. Please see the attached drawing showing the proposed vehicular diversion route. Pedestrians and cyclists will be able to use the bridge throughout the works.
We expect works to start 13th November 2017 and last up to 5 weeks.