Who are we and what do we do?
The Council
Who’s who on the Council and its committees
The Parish Council consists of 8, unpaid, elected representatives from the community who usually meet eleven times per year. Areas of responsibility include grass cutting, hedgerows, allotments, litter picking, village cemetery records and maintenance, maintenance of the recreation ground, play equipment and sports pavilion. The Clerk and RFO is the only paid member of the Council and is independent and non-voting. All other councillors have one vote and the chairman has the casting vote in the event of a tie. Currently we have 4 councillors and therefore we have 4 vacancies for a councillor. If you are interested in joining WPC please contact the clerk.
WPC currently holds no committee groups.
Watchfield Parish Council – Councillors responsibilities, contact details and staffing structure
Councillor |
Contact |
Current Position/ Responsibilities |
Email Address
Emma Markham | Chairman
Burial Officer |
Stacey.coombs@watchfield.org | ||
Aaron Biggs | Estates Officer | aaron.biggs@watchfield.org | ||
Stacey Coombs | 07756629067 | Vice Chairman
Pavilion Officer Allotment Officer |
emma.markham@watchfield.org | |
Mike Coombs | Website Officer | New Councillor
Members Interests – http://democratic.whitehorsedc.gov.uk/mgParishCouncilDetails.aspx?bcr=1
Contact Details for the Clerk
There is a separate responsible financial person for the council to ensure the council functions within the code of conduct and legal framework.
The clerk is Claire Arnold
e-mail: clerk@watchfield.org
The Clerk works part-time (40 hours per month). In an emergency please call the Clerk or the Chairman rather than email.
Location of main Council office and accessibility details
Currently there is no Watchfield Parish Council office. Contact can be made via the Clerk (details above). Parish Council meetings are held in Watchfield Pavilion, Majors, Watchfield, SN6 8GJ. There are disabled parking and toilet facilities.
Streets lighting, roads, schools and buses
Street lighting, schools, roads and buses are controlled by Oxfordshire County Council.
You can report a faulty street light note the number of the faulty light, which can be found on the lamp post, and call 0800 317802 or clicking on the link below:-
contact-street-lighting-team or fixmystreet.com
To report a pothole or an issue with the roads, gather as much information as possible about the fault and location and call on 0845 3101111 or click on the link below:-
contact-highway-enquiries-team or fixmystreet.com
The parish council facilitates an annual parish meeting . These are all generally held on a Tuesday at 7:00pm in the Village Hall, Chapel Hill, SN6 8TA and are open meetings so that anyone can attend to listen or make their views known.
If you wish to speak on an agenda item at a meeting, please advise the Parish Clerk by noon the previous day.
If you would like an issue to be added to the agenda please contact the clerk no later then one week before the meeting to allow for enough time for the agenda item to be added and published.