The services we offer


Allotments – There are 2 allotment sites. Adjacent to the recreation ground and Watchfield School and on the ‘backlands’ adjacent to Star Lane. Currently there are 19 allotments next to the school and 7 on the backlands rented at £29 per annum for half an allotment and £58 for a full allotment. Please contact the clerk or allotment officer to be added to the waiting list.  You will need to be a resident of Watchfield to apply, one allotment per house hold.

Livestock on Allotments and Livestock Agreement 2023-24

WPC Allotment Tenancy Agreement 2023-24

Burial grounds and closed churchyards – The burial ground next to St Andrew’s is run by the church. The military cemetery is run by the MOD. The rear cemetery is run by Watchfield Parish Council, please contact WPC Burial Officer, Cllr Emma Markham, The fees associated with this cemetery can be found at this link – WPC-burial-fees-2023-24

Community centres and village halls – Watchfield Village Hall is run by Watchfield Village Hall Management Committee, not Watchfield Parish Council

Parks, playing fields and recreational facilities – Watchfield Parish Council is responsible for the Airey Neave Recreation Ground, Watchfield, SN6 8TZ, the sports pavilion and play equipment on the same ground. Any issues relating to these facilities should be directed to the Clerk. An Annual RoSPA report is carried out on all play and fitness equipment.

Seating, litter bins, memorials – benches are located on the High Street by the church, on the green between Oxford Square and Oak Road, Northford Hill, 2 in the cemetery and 5 on the recreation ground. There are 7 litter bins; 2 on the recreation ground church end, 1 on the recreation ground car park end, 1 at the bus stop, 1 at the allotments, 1 at the village hall and 1 on Oxford Square. There is also a dustbin at the cemetery. The 5 dog bins are located on Oxford Square, Maidens Close, the bus stop and 2 on the recreation ground. There are 2 village signs. The Eagle and Oak sign at the lower end of the High street and the Jubilee Stone on Majors Road.

Bus shelters – Watchfield Parish has 2 bus shelters at the lower end of the High Street near the junction with Northford Road.

A summary of services for which the council is entitled to recover a fee – Burial and interment fees, Allotment Fees, Paddock tenancy fees, MUGA private Hire, Pavilion Hire, Footballers Recreation Ground Hire.