Vale Local Plan Consultation


Public Consultation: Local Plan 2031 Part 1 – Housing Delivery Update

The Vale of White Horse District Council invites you to comment on our updated Local Plan 2031 proposals.  The Local Plan is one of the key planning policy documents designed to help guide decisions we will make about developments in the district up until 2031.  This consultation provides an opportunity for comment on the updated proposals until 4 April 2014 by 4.00pm precisely

In February 2013 we consulted on our draft plan based on the South East Plan housing target.  This was the most appropriate evidence available.  This position has now changed, resulting in the need to significantly update our draft plan.  In complying fully with the latest government requirements, we have worked jointly with the other Oxfordshire authorities to produce an Oxfordshire Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA).  This assessed the amount and type of housing needed in our district and across Oxfordshire.  The new housing requirement represents a very significant challenge in both the short and longer term.  We cannot avoid the challenge before us but we welcome your views on any alternative approaches for how we could meet the identified need.       

You can view a copy of our updated proposals and make comments directly in the document using our consultation system by visiting  This is the easiest and most efficient way for you to comment.  We have updated a number of our evidence base items affected by the latest proposals, which are available to view by visiting .  Hard copies of the consultation document are available at the Vale of White Horse District Council Offices, Abbey House, Abbey Close, Abingdon , OX14 3JE and libraries across the district.  Please be aware that all comments received will be available to the public to view and may be included on our website.  All comments must be received by 4.00 pm Friday 4 April 2014.

We will be holding a number of public engagement events, which include exhibitions and public meetings.  This will provide the public and other stakeholders an opportunity to discuss the proposals with officers face to face.  Exhibitions will take place on the following dates and given locations:

Location Date Time
Abingdon – Guildhall Tues 11 March 2014 4-6pm
Didcot – Cornerstone Wed 12 March 2014  3-7.30pm
Harwell – Harwell Community Primary School , The Styles Sat 15 March 2014 10am-3pm
Milton – St Blaise Primary School , Milton Heights Mon 17 March 2014 4-6pm
Abingdon – Abbey Precinct Sat 22 March 2014 10am-3pm
Shrivenham – Shrivenham Memorial Hall Mon 24 March 2014 4-6pm
Faringdon – Corn Exchange, Faringdon Tues 25 March 2014 3-7.30pm


Details of the public meetings are provided.  For those wishing to attend the public meetings please contact the district council using the details below or reply to our e-mail.


Location Date Time
Abingdon public meeting – Abingdon Guildhall, Royce Room Tue 11 March 2014 7-9pm
Milton public meeting – De Vere, Milton Hill House  Mon 17 March 2014 7-9pm
Shrivenham public meeting – Shrivenham Memorial Hall Mon 24 March 2014 7-9pm


If you have any queries or problems accessing this information, please contact the Planning Policy Team on 01235 540 499.

Yours faithfully

Scott Riley

Planning Policy Vale of White Horse