Work has begun (Sepember 22nd 2014) erecting the temporary plastic fencing ready to translocate the newt and reptile populations on Cowan’s Camp. The work is being undertaken and overseen by BSG Ecology with Legacy Habitat Management as the contractors. The blue posts demarcate the area behind which the newts and reptiles will be translocated. Having spoken to the chief ecologist the work is expected to be completed by the end of October, if the day and night time temperatures are sufficient. The erection of the bat boxes is due to happen shortly prior to the demolition of the buildings. There may be some minor removal work of fascias etc. to enable the bats to be moved.
The entire Cowan’s Camp site and field will be enclosed by security fencing to prevent access from about Wednesday (8th October) onwards and additional security measures will also be put in place with security guards on site evenings and weekends. I have seen copies of the appropriate licences to move protected species and have confirmed with Natural England that all licences are in place. However, it remains a criminal offence for any construction work (including demolition) to happen before the required protected species work is complete. The ecologists may carry out ‘reasonable work’ in order to achieve translocation.
Please remain vigilant. Any criminal behaviour should be reported to the police. Natural England:- 0845 060 3900/0845 600 3070. BSG Ecology:- 01865 883833
You can, of course, contact the parish council, currently on 01793 780329/ 07960 603585