Information for New Residents

Information for New Residents

Contact Info

Watchfield Parish Council

Watchfield Parish Clerk
Parish Council meetings 3rd Tuesday of month, 7.30pm at Watchfield Village Hall. All welcome (currently held on Zoom – details on how to join on the agendas)

Vale of White Horse District Council
01235 422422

Oxfordshire County Council
01865 792422

Watchfield Village Hall

01793 782234

Who is Responsible for What?

Who to call in different situations:-


Watchfield Parish Council
Watchfield has a Parish Council (8 elected volunteers and a clerk) who look after:-
Watchfield Recreation Ground, Play Area & Sports Pavilion
Watchfield Parish Cemetery
Litter picking around the village (on top of District Council road sweeping)
Village grass cutting
Allotments on two sites

Contact the Clerk, Claire Arnold, on 07757233021 or Chairman, Sue Nodder, on or 01793 780329 / 07899 300496

Vale of White Horse District Council

Responsible for:-
Waste collections 03000 610610

For everything to do with waste and recycling go to where there is also information about downloading an app
Environmental Health (noise, dog mess, bonfires, pest control, nuisances, etc.) 01235 422403
Sport and Leisure (Faringdon Leisure Centre) 01367 241755
Planning 01235 422600
Housing 01235 422422
Council Tax 0345 3022313

Oxfordshire County Council
Responsible for:-

Roads, streetlighting, potholes etc. – report a problem on
Household Waste Recycling Centres (Tips) – Stanford-in-the-Vale, Faringdon Road, SN7 8LD 01865 816043
Schools (admissions) 01865 815175 Watchfield Primary School 01793 782623
Social Care and Health 0800 833403
Libraries – Gloucester Street, Faringdon, SN7 7HY 01367 240311

Please pick up after your dog. Help to keep Watchfield a pleasant and safe place for everyone

 What (USUALLY!) goes on in Watchfield? 

Watchfield Village Fete (annual) – next one on June 5th, 2021, 12-5pm Watchfield Recreation Ground. To help, call 01793 782234

Watchfield Village Quiz (annual) – usually in Feb/March, 7.30pm Watchfield Village Hall. Tickets include supper. Book in advance 01793 780329

Watchfield Xmas Fayre (in December)

Carols round the Christmas Tree, December 24th, 6.30pm, Faringdon Road end of the High Street. Bring a torch and silly hat!

Village Prize Bingo, every couple of months, look out for notices and Watchfield Village Hall

Acorn Club, lunch club for older residents. 3rd Tuesday of the month, Watchfield Village Hall. Call 01793 783531 for details

Horticultural and Craft Show, September, Watchfield Village Hall

Watchfield Village Hall, Chapel Hill, SN6 8TA is the venue for classes, groups and organisations. See door and for details. Available to hire at £6.50/£7.50 per hour. To volunteer for the Management Committee call 01793 782234

Places of Worship:

St Thomas’ Church, High Street, SN6 8TE (01793 780183)

St Alban’s Church, Ironside Drive, SN6 8SE (07977 479866)

Kingdom Hall, Major’s Road, SN6 8TQ

Multifaith Hall, Defence Academy

You are most welcome in the village and we hope you will enjoy your new home