Parish Council
Parish Council News
WPC Meeting 19.11.202 - Cancelled due to the Council not being at quorate for this meeting.
The Council Website is currently being moved and updated to a new user friendly site - we thank you for your patience whilst this is being carried out. If you cannot find or access documents please contact the clerk at
ARAP FAQ sheet
WPC and VWHDC have created an information sheet for Watchfield residents on the ARAP Scheme
Support for Afghan families Info FAQs - FINAL print version Watchfield
Please contact the clerk for further details.
Internal Audit 2023-24
Completion of Internal Audit 2023-24
Internal Audit Report 2023-24_Watchfield
External Audit 2023-24
Completion of External Audit 2023-24
Watchfield Parish Council Signed 2024 EA Report_1626528
Notice-of-Conclusion-of-Audit (1)
Volunteers Needed
A new disability-friendly, sustainable, local transport provision is being put into place for Watchfield residents.
What do we need from you?
We are looking for volunteers for 2 areas of this new enterprise: managing committee volunteers to administer and schedule the service, making connections with potential recipients of the service and other groups that may be able to refer to the service, such as the GP surgery. This will include a chairperson and representatives from each parish, where possible. Experience of scheduling, working in the charity sector and managing volunteers would be an advantage. This managing committee would have full autonomy of how to run the scheme but would be expected to report progress in writing, quarterly, to the supporting parish councils. Secondly, we need a bank of volunteer drivers, with clean licences, willing to offer at least 1 morning or afternoon per week as a volunteer.
If you feel that this is a cause worth devoting your time to, please email with your name, mobile number and preferred email address.
All meetings will be held on the third Tuesday of the month at 19:30hrs in the Pavilion, Majors Road, Watchfield. Streaming of meetings are not allowed under the current government legislation.
Where and when are the meetings?
Normal Parish Council meetings are held in Watchfield Pavilion at 7.30pm on the third Tuesday of the month (except August). Agendas and minutes are displayed on the noticeboards in the Village. Any additional meetings will be advertised on the noticeboards. You are welcome to attend.
At present, there is no Parish Council office.
Meeting Minutes and Agendas
These can be found here - WPC meetings
Register of Interests
Link to Vale of White Horse District Council page for Parish Councils
Who are your councillors?
Chairman:Emma Markham.
Vice Chairman; Stacey Coombs
Aaron Biggs,
Mike Coombs
If you would like further information please contact the clerk or VWHDC elections team,
All councillors have signed the Vale of White Horse District Council's Code of Conduct and Standing Orders.
Parish Clerk: Claire Arnold
Watchfield Pavilion, Majors Road, Watchfield SN6 8GJ
e-mail: clerk(at)
The Clerk works part-time. In an emergency please call the Clerk (07585286740) or the Chairman rather than email.
To avoid website spam robots the Clerk's address has (at) instead of @. To make the e-mail address valid you will need to remove (at) and replace with the @ symbol.