Age UK Oxfordshire 0844 8870005
Alcoholics Anonymous 0845 7697555
Alzheimer’s Society 020 74233500
Archway (help to relieve distress caused by lonliness) 01865 790552
Attendance Allowance (Personal Independence Payment) or Carers Allowance 0845 7123456
Carers Oxfordshire 0845 050 7666 (out of hours emergency duty team 0800 833 408) and Carers Oxfordshire
Carers Voice Oxfordshire 01235 520440
Child Sexual Exploitation Helpline 01865 266255
Chronicle of Watchfield by Neil Maw
Citizens Advice Details of Citizens Advice services in Oxfordshire
Community Information network for older people and carers
Community Transport volunteer car schemes, door-to-door minibus service, group transport for voluntary organisations, scheduled minibus service
Dementia Care Oxfordshire Oxfordshire County Council’s website for those recently diagnosed with dementia and those who care for dementia sufferers
Domestic Abuse Helpline 0800 7310055
Drug and Alcohol Team 01865 328607
Family carers from Carers Oxfordshire
Gatehouse (support with food for the homeless/poorly housed) 01865 792999
Guideposts Trust – independent living centre 01235 524857
Have your say on Vale issues such as waste, recycling, community safety and budget priorities
Headway 01865 326263
Healthwatch Oxfordshire have your say about health services in the area 01865 520520
Home Library Service 01865 810240
Horton Hospital, Banbury 01295 275500 The A-Z guide of alcoholism and the elderly online advice from Citizens Advice Bureau
Job Centre –
John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford 01865 741166
Lifeline Project for addiction advice and support – 01865 403247
Listening Books 0207 4079417
Men’s Advice Line (for male victims of domestic violence) 0808 8010327
My Life, My Choice (for people with learning disabilities) 01865 204214
Narcotics Anonymous 0300 9991212
Neighbourhood Return 0116 2293118
NHS Non-emergency 111
No Second Night Out (housing) 01865 304611
Non-emergency police 101
OSCAR – supports children diagnosed with a brain or spinal tumour, together with their families
Oxford Abuse and Rape Crisis Centre (women only) 01865 726295/ 08007836294
Oxfordshire Autistic Society supporting families affected by all aspects of the autistic spectrum including ASD, Asperger’s Syndrome, Sensory Processing Disorder and Global Developmental Delay
Oxfordshire Children’s Social Care Team 0845 0507666 (out of hours emergency 0800 833408)
Oxfordshire County Council
Oxfordshire County Council Young Carers Team 01865 323594
Oxfordshire Mind Information Centre 01865 247788
Oxfordshire Playing Fields Association 01865 883488
Oxfordshire Rural Communities Council
Oxfordshire Volunteer Befriending Service 07801 482408
RAF Watchfield
Reporting Highways issues such as potholes, flooding, vegetation that could cause a hazard and damaged or missing roads signs or email on or 0845 3101111
Respect Phoneline (for domestic violence perpetrators) 0808 8024040
Restore – working for mental health Oxfordshire charity that supports people with mental health issues providing training, encouragement, personal development, a supportive environment, the chance to achieve, and one-to-one support
Root and Branch helping to improve mental health and wellbeing through outdoor activities and crafts
Rural Shops Alliance organisation for village shopkeepers and retailers
social and health care information social and health care information for Oxfordshire Support Finder
South and Vale Carers Centre 0125 510212 South and Vale Carers
Spurgeons 01865 309602
Steppin’ Stones (support for people who are experiencing or have experienced rough sleeping) 01865 251798
Survivors UK (male victims of abuse and rape) 0845 1221201
Tax Credit Helpline 0345 3003900
Tax help for older people Free tax help
Vale of White Horse District Council
UK Addiction Centres
Vale of White Horse District Council Housing 01235 520202
Victim Support 0845 3899528
Ways and Means Trust rehabilitation and training for those recuperating from mental illness
Wilts & Berks Canal Trust
Winter awareness – advice for keeping warm and safe this winter as well as information regarding road gritting and road closure updates due to winter weather
Winter Fuel Payments 08459 151515
Wyfold Group Riding for the Disabled 0845 4507017
Young Addiction 01865 328490
Young Dementia UK 01993 776295