Daytime Support Consultation

J. Workshop flyer

As you may be aware, Oxfordshire County Council has carried out a review of daytime support for people aged over 18 in Oxfordshire. The review focused on understanding the needs of vulnerable people for daytime support, specifically support to meet eligible care needs and support that prevents care needs escalating. Its purpose was to help the council to develop future options for daytime support that meet people’s needs, and the council’s statutory responsibilities, within the current financial resources.

As a result of the review we are proposing a new model for daytime support and a number of options for delivering this which we are now consulting on.

Public Consultation

The public consultation will run from Tuesday 1 November at 9am until 9am on Tuesday 20 December 2016.  A recommendation on the county council’s future of daytime support and approach to delivering this will be made by Cabinet in January 2017, for a final decision by Council in February 2017.

Supporting documentation for the consultation, together with the online questionnaire can be found at once the consultation has launched at 9am on Tuesday 1st November.  There are various consultation activities taking place, including three workshops for carers and people who use daytime support, both funded and not funded by the County Council, and also other organisations who may wish to contribute to the consultation, including volunteer and community groups. These will take place in the following venues:

Monday 21st November

Didcot Civic Hall

10.30 am – 12.30pm

Tuesday 22nd November

West Oxford Community Centre

12.30 pm – 2.30pm

Wednesday 23rd November

Banbury Town Hall

12.30 pm – 2.30 pm

We welcome your views on the proposals. Please can we also ask that you pass this information about the consultation onto residents in your area (poster attached).


Further Information

If any of the residents in your area have any queries, please direct them to the website above in the first instance; alternatively they can contact the Daytime Team Support Team at or call 01865 323410