The developers (CCS through Frampton’s) have now applied to change the planning permission on Cowan’s Camp from the extra care and learning disabled facilities to an additional 35 houses. This will mean a total of 135 houses on site and 2 access roads onto the High Street if it is passed.
The link to the application is:-
P14/V2877/FUL Land at Cowan’s Camp, Watchfield. Planning permission for the erection of 35 new (1, 2, 3 and 4 bed) homes of which 40% are affordable units on brownfield land previously consented for a care facility and learning disability unit
Following the fire at District Council Offices the planning may not be available to be viewed or commented on. This may be rectified by the weekend of 24/25 Jan. The deadline for comment will be extended for the length of time that planning services are offline.
The original response deadline was 5th February (now extended for the length of time the planning services are offline) and the application was discussed at the Parish Council meeting on Jan 20th at 7.30pm at Watchfield Village Hall. The Parish Council response will be on this site as soon as it is completed.