How we make our decisions/Parish Council meetings


Agendas and minutes of Parish Council meeting;

Supporting Documents- WPC Meeting 160424 –District_Councillors_Report_2024_04-05

WPC Meeting 16072024 – District_Councillors_Report_2024_06

MW.0151-23 – June2024 – Consultation response Cllr Viral Patel and Cllr Katherine Foxhall





WPC Agenda meeting 160724

WPC Agenda meeting 180624

Agenda AGM May 21st 2024 Final

WPC Agenda meeting 160424

WPC Agenda meeting 190324

WPC Agenda meeting 200224

WPC Agenda meeting 160124

WPC Agenda meeting 181223

WPC Agenda meeting 211123

WPC Agenda meeting 171023

WPC Agenda meeting 190923

WPC Agenda meeting 180723

WPC Agenda meeting 290623

Agenda AGM May 9th 2023 Final

WPC Agenda meeting 180423 Final.pdf

WPC Agenda meeting 210323 final



WPC Agenda meeting 201222

WPC Agenda meeting 151122

WPC Agenda meeting 181022

WPC Agenda meeting 270922 Final

WPC Agenda meeting 190722

WPC Agenda meeting 210622

WPC Extraordinary Agenda meeting 010622 final

Agenda AGM May 17th 2022 Final

WPC Extraordinary Agenda meeting 040522

WPC Agenda meeting 190422 final

WPC Agenda meeting 150322

WPC Agenda meeting 150222

WPC Agenda meeting 180122

WPC Agenda meeting 141221

WPC Agenda meeting 161121

WPC Agenda meeting 191021

WPC Agenda meeting 210921

WPC Agenda meeting 150621

WPC Agenda Extrordinary meeting 250521

Agenda AGM May 5th 2021

WPC Agenda Virtual Meeting 230421

WPC Agenda Virtual Meeting 160321

WPC Agenda Virtual Meeting 160221

WPC Agenda Virtual Meeting 190121

WPC Agenda Virtual Meeting 151220

WPC Agenda Virtual Meeting 17112020

WPC Agenda Virtual Meeting 21102020

WPC Agenda Virtual Meeting 15092020

WPC Agenda Virtual Meeting 21072020

WPC Agenda Virtual Meeting 16062020

WPC Agenda Virtual Meeting 19052020

WPC Agenda Virtual meeting 21.04.2020

Extraordinary Agenda March 23rd

Agenda March 17th 2020

Agenda February 18th 2020

Agenda January 21st 2020

Agenda 17th December 2019

Agenda November 19th 2019

Agenda October 15th 2019

Agenda September 17th 2019

Agenda July 16th 2019

Agenda June 18th 2019

Agenda May 21st 2019

Extra Ordinary Agenda May 1st 2019

Agenda April 16th 2019

Agenda March 19th 2019

Agenda Feb 19th 2019

Agenda Feb 19th 2019

Agenda January 15th 2019

Agenda December 18th 2018

Agenda Nov 20th 2018

Agenda Oct 16th 2018

Agenda Sept 18th 2018

Extraordinary Agenda August 3rd 2018

 Agenda July 17th 2018

 Agenda June 19th 2018  

Agenda May 15th 2018

Extraordinary Agenda April 26 2018

 Agenda April 17th 2018

Agenda March 20th 2018

Agenda February 20th 2018

Agenda January 16th 2018

Agenda December 19th 2017

Agenda November 21st 2017

Agenda October 17th 2017

Extraordinary agenda Oct 10th 2017

agenda sept 19th 2017

Agenda August 31st 2017

Agenda July 18th 2017

Agenda June 20th 2017

Agenda May 16th 2017

Agenda April 18th 2017

Agenda March 21st 2017

Agenda Feb 21st 2017

Agenda Jan 17th 2017

Extra Ordinary Agenda Jan 10th




Minutes AGM May 21st 2024

WPC Minutes 160424

WPC Minutes 190324

WPC Minutes 200224

WPC Minutes meeting 160124

WPC Minutes meeting 181223

Meeting cancelled 21.11.23 – not at quorate

WPC Minutes meeting 171023

WPC Minutes meeting 190923

WPC Minutes meeting 180723

WPC Minutes 290623

Minutes AGM May 9th 2023

WPC Minutes 180423

WPC Minutes meeting 210323

WPC Minutes meeting 210223

Minutes meeting 170123

WPC Minutes meeting 201222

WPC minutes meeting 151122

WPC Minutes meeting 181022 Final

WPC Minutes 270922 Final

WPC Minutes meeting 190722

WPC Minutes meeting 21062

WPC-Extraordinary-meeting-minutes 010622

Minutes AGM May 17th 2022

WPC Extraordinary Minutes meeting 090522 draft

WPC Minutes meeting 190422

WPC Minutes meeting 150322 

WPC Minutes meeting 150222 

WPC Minutes 180122

WPC Minutes meeting 141221

WPC Minutes meeting 161121

WPC Minutes meeting 191021

WPC Minutes meeting 21092

WPC Minutes meeting 150621

WPC Minutes Extraordinary meeting 250521

AGM May 5th 2021 Minutes

WPC Minutes Virtual Meeting 230421

WPC Minutes Virtual Meeting 160321

WPC Minutes Virtual Meeting 160221

WPC Minutes 190121

WPC Minutes Virtual Meeting 151220


WPC Minutes Virtual Meeting 21102020

WPC Minutes 15092020

WPC Minutes Virtual Meeting 21072020

WPC minutes 16.06.2020 Virtual meeting

WPC Minutes Virtual Meeting 19052020

WPC Minutes Virtual Meeting 210420

Extraordinary Minutes March 23rd 2020

Minutes March 17th 2020

Minutes February 18th 2020

Minutes January 21st 2020

Minutes December 17th 2019

Minutes November 19th 2019

Minutes October 15th 2019

Minutes September 17th 2019

Minutes July 16th 2019

Minutes June 18th 2019

Minutes May 21st 2019

Minutes Extra Ordinary May 1st 2019

Minutes April 16th 2019

Minutes March 19th 2019

Minutes February 20th 2018

Minutes February 20th 2018

Minutes January 15th 2019

Minutes December 18th 2018

Minutes Nov 20th 2018

Minutes Sept 18th 2018

Minutes Sept 18th 2018

Extraordinary Minutes August 3rd 2018

Minutes July 17th 2018

 Minutes June 19th 2018

 Minutes May 15th 2018

Extraordinary Minutes 26th April 2018

Minutes April 17th 2018

Minutes March 20th 2018 final

Minutes February 20th 2018

 Minutes January 16th 2018

Minutes December 19th 2017

Minutes November 21st 2017

Minutes October 17th 2017

extra ordinary minutes oct 17th 2017

Minutes Oct 10th 2017

Minutes September 19th 2017

Minutes August 31st 2017

Minutes July 18th 2017

Minutes June 20th 2017

Minutes May 16th 2017

Minutes April 18th 2017

Minutes March 21st 2017

Minutes Feb 21st 2017

Minutes Jan 17th 2017

Extra Ordinary Minutes Jan 10th 2017


Responses to consultations and applications –

Responses are now made online via VWHDC planning portal – to view the councils response to planning applications please see either the councils minutes, VWHDC Planning portal Planning Application Register – Vale of White Horse District Council (, or our planning register.

Documents for meetings-

Watchfield PC response to LTCP consultation 2022

WPC response to DEFRA EPRamendments2021

WPC response to P20V0629FUL
Watchfield PC request for civil parking enforcement
WPC response to SOUT171990
Watchfield PC response to One Oxfordshire
WPC response to P16V1268FUL
Parish council reponse to P16V0978O
WPC P14V2877FUL appendix A
WPC science vale consultation
CIL consultation
Employment Hub amend WPC response
CLG Select Committee on NPPF report
WPC response to Local Plan Dec2014
A420 Transport Assessment
A420 supplementary report
WPC response to NPPF for Travellers consultation
WPC submission to NPPF select committee
WPC Response to SBC Employment Hub Plans
WPC Response to VWHDC Local PlanAgenda October 17th 2017 _phase 2
WPC response to VOWHDC Local Plan 2029 – phase 1
WPC response to Watchfield School expansion consultation
WPC-response-to-P14V2877FUL-amended (2).
WPC response to P14V2877FUL amended
WPC response to P14V1111FUL
Complaint re P14V1111FUL handling
WPC request for S106 from P14 V0287 FUL
WPC letter to Ed Vaizey re archaeology
WPC response to P14 V0287 FUL majors road
WPC response to Cowan’s RM
WPC response to P12 V2283 O Cowans Camp Application 
WPC response to P12 V2283 O Cowans figures 
WPC response to BSG Ecology re P12 V2283 O
WPC response to historical & natural environment re P12 V2283 O
WPC response to natural england re P12 V2283 O
WPC response to OCC highways consultation cllr rose
WPC response to OCC highways consultation farakh hamid
WPC response to Travel Choices Team re P12 V2283 O
WPC response to Vale Planning Policy re P12 V2283 O
WPC response to P12 V1901 FUL for VWHDC Planning Laura Hudson


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